If you’ve been playing Fortnite up until this point, you get the gist of how these challenges go. Every week, Battle Pass owners have the opportunity to complete challenges and unlock rewards to help personalize your storm survivor. As usual, Battle Pass owners will have more challenges than the Free users, and we’ll divide the challenges as such.
Luckily, your pals at VGU are here to help you get through that battle-pass as quickly as possible and get Bonesy on your back. Good luck!
For this challenge, you’ll have to speed past five different radar signs in an ATK. Hitting 27 should be easy, just make sure you give yourself some time to accelerate. Check out our map below on all the Radar Sign locations!
Another vehicle challenge and you may remember this one if you’ve played previous seasons. Big flaming hoops are around the map, and you’ll have to jump through five of them to finish this challenge. This can be completed in a Shopping Cart, but your life will be much much easier if you just use an ATK. Follow the map below to find all flaming hoops!
You’re probably getting use to these by now. You’ll want to deal 200 damage with a tactical shotgun to finish the first stage of this challenge
This challenge consists of two other stages, so you’ll likely be repeating this process with the Pump Shotgun and Heavy Shotgun.
This is a bit of a unique one, but shouldn’t be too hard. Either try to take out an opponent from VERY close range with a shotgun or get a pickaxe kill. You’ll have to practically be touching each other for this one.
For this challenge, you’ll want to deal 500 damage to opponents with SMGs. There is no limit to what SMGs you can use like the staged challenges, so just pick your favorite one and get firing.
For this challenge, you’ll need to take out two opponents with the minigun. If you really struggle with this weapon, downing an enemy and finishing them off with the minigun will suffice for this challenge.
For this challenge, you’ll need to deal 200 damage to opponents with the standard pistols. As we saw with the shotgun challenge, this is another staged challenge, so you can expect to be doing the same thing with the Silenced Pistols and perhaps the Handcannon right after.