If you’ve been playing Fortnite up until this point, you get the gist of how these challenges go. Every week, Battle Pass owners have the opportunity to complete challenges and unlock rewards to help personalize your storm survivor. As usual, Battle Pass owners will have more challenges than the Free users, and we’ll divide the challenges as such.
Luckily, your pals at VGU are here to help you get through that battle-pass as quickly as possibly and get Bonesy on your back. Good luck!
This one is simple as can be. Snag a legendary item in three different matches to complete this one and get the stars. Your best bet at finding them is in Supply Drops, but they can also be found in Chests somewhat regularly.
Another pretty simple one. Recover 150 health from campfires to complete. Best bet to blow through this one is to use a campfire anytime you find one to avoid dying and losing it. If you’re at full health, a short fall should get you where you need to be.
Another Staged challenge, like what you may have seen last season. Search three chests to complete the first stage.
Afterwards, you’ll unlock the second stage which is searching two Supply Drops. Best way to do this is towards the end of a match, when the smaller circle will bring supply drops much closer to you, and in greater numbers. If you haven’t completed the legendary item challenge yet, you certainly will after the supply drops.
Lastly, you must search one Lllama. This one is hard and doesn’t have a really easy strategy. I’ve heard through the grapevine that you may have an easier time in the 50v50 mode, as the drop rate is heightened.
This one needs no explanation. If you play the game normally, you’re certain to hit this one after a few matches. Just drink anything you can find as soon as you can and this will be in the bag.
This is a 5 stage challenge, requiring that you land at five certain named locations, meaning that this challenge will take at least five matches to complete. The locations in order are:
Stage 1: Land at Junk Junction
Stage 2: Land at Tomato Temple
Stage 3: Land at Tilted Towers
Stage 4: Land at Fatal Fields
Final Stage: Land at Flush Factory
This is one of the “hard” challenges, but there is much instruction to go off. Eliminate five opponents in different named locations to complete this one. A good rule of thumb is to try and take someone down with you while doing the “Land at” challenge. Even if you only get one each match, you’ll have this in no time.
This is probably the longest one you’ll have to do this week, as you’ll have to dedicate matches to getting to very specific spots. Keep on the lookout for streetlights with big spotlights attached. Dance underneath their glow at seven different streetlights, and you’ll have this one completed.
Check out our map below to find the locations of each of the Streelight Spotlights this week!