The cube has released a plague of cube monsters across the entire map. Luckily, there are some pretty neat rewards in store if you complete some challenges and send them back to where they came from. The challenges for this event are being released sporadically, and this wiki will be updated with the new challenges as they come.
For this challenge, you’ll have to start mowing through more of the Cube Monsters from the last part. You’ll need to eliminate 150 of the Cube Fiends to wrap this one up
This is a great one to do while you’re working on the previous challenge.
For this challenge, you’ll need to deal 5000 damage to Cube Monsters with Shotguns or SMGs. Keep in mind this can be any of the shotguns or SMGs, so pick your favorite and get firing.
If you remember the last part’s challenge, you should’ve just recently visited all of these corrupted areas. For this set, you’ll need to go back to purple corrupted areas on the map and eliminate three different opponents.
For the last challenge of this part, you’ll need to hunt down seven ghost decorations in named locations across the map and destroy them. They can be found in abundance at any of the city or neighborhood locations, the only hard part is you need to destroy them in different named locations.