The cube has released a plague of cube monsters across the entire map. Luckily, there are some pretty neat rewards in store if you complete some challenges and send them back to where they came from. The challenges for this event are being released sporadically, and this wiki will be updated with the new challenges as they come.
For this challenge, you’ll have to send 200 cube monsters to the grave. It’s hard to miss these guys, as they will be spawning constantly around the map and can be found next to giant cube chunks in the ground.
This is a great one to work on while doing the first challenge. Deal 5000 damage with either Assault Rifles or Pistols to the aforementioned cube monsters to wrap up this challenge.
You may remember this challenge from the regular battlepass, so this should be easy for you. In separate matches, you’ll want to visit all seven of the corrupted areas on the map. These are marked by the giant purple sections on your minimap.
For this challenge, you’ll have to hunt down special Fortnitemares Gargoyle statues and give them a happy lil dance. Follow the map down below to find the locations of all the Gargoyles.