Are you a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh!. Do you like the Duel Terminal series and archetypes? If so, this might interest you. Recently, Konami cancelled the long running Duel Terminal arcade series. It spanned over many years producing many archetypes from Jurrac to Evilswarm. With the system no longer being supported, you would think that the story and cards would not longer advance. You are wrong. Along side the release of the most recent sets that include Primal Origins and Duelist Alliance, Konami have been advancing the “Duel Terminal” story with more archetypes and more support without the arcade system running. They include the plant type Sylans, the machines know as Qliphort coming out in the next set Next Challengers, and recently announced the fiend type Infernoids.

As mentioned in the latest V-Jump magazine in Japan, “In times immemorial, these messengers of the inferno were sealed away inside the Sacred Tree of the Naturia along with the Qliphorts”. According to the story released in the articles, these fiends are fiery messengers who are hell bent on destroying all in their path. As seen from the image above, they do seem eager to destroy. This this to pair nicely with there effects. They all share a similar summoning condition whereby you must special summon them by banishing other Infernoids from your hand/graveyard whilst you combined levels/rank of monsters you control is less than 8. The boss monster can negate card effects and destroying all monsters when summoned whilst the minions have targeted removal varying from returning to hand and destruction. They also have spell and trap card support to enable a more consistent threat on the board.
So from first impressions this new Archetype seems like one to watch out for. Keep you eyes pealed for more news regarding Yu-Gi-Oh! releases. Until then, game well.