ArcheAge: Unchained MMO starts a new fresh start sever

Kakao Games and XLGAMES have announced the launch of an all-new Fresh Start Server for ArcheAge: Unchained. Following the success of the previous server, the new Fresh Start Server has retained its popular elements while bringing new improvements and nuances to the game.

One of the main benefits of joining the new Fresh Start Server is the addition of boosting buffs. Players will have access to buffs for XP, Conflict, War, Siege, Quest Honor Points, and Vocation to help them access higher-level content faster. The loot drop rate has also increased from 200% to 300%, allowing players to acquire valuable items more easily. Additionally, boosting will now apply to both Hiram and Disciple equipment, making it easier for players to progress in the game.

Players who participated in the existing server will receive free server transfer tickets upon its closure, along with Graduation Rewards. These rewards include valuable in-game items such as Bound Lucent Serendipity Stones and Akasch Token Crates.

To celebrate the launch of the new server, players can participate in a number of reward-boosting events, including completing the Hiram Weekly Quest and Abyssal Library Daily Quest. This also applies to the Ipnysh Sanctuary and Noryette Challenge, giving players even more incentive to tackle these challenges.

For more information on the server’s specifications, players can refer to the official ArcheAge website. Join the new Fresh Start Server today and enjoy the exciting new features and benefits it has to offer!