Dragon Age: Inquisition “Multi-Region” Instead Of Open-World
In a recent interview with RockPaperShotgun, Bioware's Mike Laidlaw has laid-out the world of Dragon Age: Inquisition with a little more detail. Foregoing the open-world many people had gotten the impression Dragon Age: Inquisition would have, Laidlaw set the record straight. “Open world” I think is a really loaded term,” he…
Grand Theft Auto V Map Leaked
Grand Theft Auto V is just a week away, and those seven days are going by agonizingly slowly. Rockstar has shipped off the game and copies are already lying across the world, ready to be picked up and thrown as quickly as possible into your console of choice.To get you…
Shadowrun Returns Devs Next Project Debuts On Kickstarter
Ever wanted to get into Warhammer 40K, but found things like money and painting got in the way? Ever wished complex boardgames came with a small man who refereed games so you didn't have to read 100 page books before playing? Harebrained Schemes have, and want their latest project Golem…
State of Decay Coming To PC “In A Couple Weeks”
Undead Labs haven't forgotten about their promise to release their Zombie survival simulator before the end of the year. In fact, they have recently posted on Facebook stating that the PC version will be coming soon indeed. "In a couple weeks or so" seems to be the target, probably coming…
Saints Row IV Review
Is constantly spouting pop-culture references and obscenity laced threats insanity? If so Saints Row IV is beyond the pale and should be thrown into a cell not too dissimilar to Hannibal Lecter's. Snapped up by Deep Silver after the crash of THQ, does this fourth, and possibly final, entry into…
Dead Island: Riptide Brady Games Guide Review
Dead Island: Riptide was a bit of a rough ride. Many felt it was more an expansion, rather than a full sequel. Brady Games' guide helps take the sharp edge off the games sour notes, but is it helpful past telling you where to go and what to do? The…
PAX Drops New Dragon Age: Inquisition Story Info, Screenshots And Gameplay Trailer
Dragon Age: Origins was an amazingly ambitious game for its time, which sadly the sequel failed to capitalize on. Bioware is going full-force with their third entry to the franchise, so much so one generation of consoles just isn't enough. In Dragon Age: Inquisition Bioware are changing the world of…
Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches DLC Review
Almost a year after we first skulked through the streets of Dunwall, the final piece to 2012's fantasy stealth adventure has arrived. Following on from April's “The Knife of Dunwall”, the regicidal assassin Daud returns for a second time to finish his quest for absolution. Does this six hour slice…
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate Gameplay Trailer Puts Prison Under New Management
While it may be seen as the younger brother to the rapidly approaching Batman: Arkham Origins, Armature Studio seem to be trying their best to make Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate worth playing. Being portable based, the game takes place in a 2.5D version of the infamous prison. If it is…
Borderlands 2 Second Short Film Released, Prologue To Previous DLC
Gearbox must enjoy their job, why else would they release a short that acts as a prologue to a DLC that was released in June. Maybe it is to push the recently announced GOTY edition."+ 5 to Punching: A Bunkers & Badasses Prologue"  isn't even four minutes long, but once…
Borderlands 2 Second Short Film Released, Prologue To Previous DLC
Gearbox must enjoy their job, why else would they release a short that acts as a prologue to a DLC that was released in June. Maybe it is to push the recently announced GOTY edition."+ 5 to Punching: A Bunkers & Badasses Prologue"  isn't even four minutes long, but once…
Borderlands 2 GOTY Edition Announced, Priced And Dated
As reported yesterday, a Game of the Year Edition for Gearbox Software's Borderlands 2 has been mentioned before. These rumors have been confirmed today with the announcement of Borderlands 2 Game of the Year Edition, what a twist! Coming out on PS3, Xbox 360 at £39.99 and PC for £29.99…
Sony Role Out Plethora Of Indie Games For Current And Next-Gen
Sony has always been loud and proud about how much they love indie devs. Since the success of ThatGamesCompany with Flow, Flower and Journey, Song have been making a lot of noise to make sure everyone knows they are the place to go for console indie titles.At this years Gamescom…
Shadowrun Returns Review
Shadowrun Returns is the first major Kickstarter game to be released since crowdfunding became popular amongst developers wanting to try something different. Bringing back the tabletop series to the virtual world, is it a good game with old-school sensibilities, or can you not teach old dogs new tricks? What is…
GTA V Coming To PC According To Nvidia
Fans have asked for it, console players didn't really care and Rockstar seemed a little despondent, but Grand Theft Auto V may be coming to PC's this fall after all. At Nvidia's Q2 2014 earnings call Senior IR Director of Nvidia Chris Evenden said:"Many consumers look for PC as a…
Creative Assembly Show Total War: Rome 2’s Very Hard Mode In New Gameplay Video
Let's Plays are in vogue right now, so much so that developers are using them as a chance to show off their games in a space of time usually too long for a trailer. Creative Assembly is employing this tactic with their latest video, a let's play of Macedon vs…
Limited Edition Vigor Bottles Now On Sale At The Irrational Store
Since the release of Bioshock Infinite in March, players have wanted to get their hands on the vigor bottles to put on their mantelpiece. While a keychain is nice, it can only go so far. Irrational Games have been listening however, with a new item in their store set to…
Civilization V: Brave New World Review
Civilization V: Brave New World      Players: 1 - 8 Genre: Turn-Based Strategy Platform: Windows Developer: Firaxis Games After Gods and Kings release last year Civilization V hit its stride. Although the initial release of Civilization V was seen as a downgrade by some fans, Firaxis have been toiling…
Wolfenstein: The New Order Screenshots Show A Bloody Reich
Robot Nazis, how can those two words not evoke some form of excitement? Swedish devs MachineGames are planning to capitalize on said premise with their 1960's set shooter Wolfenstein: The New Order. Replace the hippies with the gestapo and Nixon with Mecha-Hitler and they may be onto a winner. Wolfenstein:…
Tropes Vs Women In Video Games: Part 3 Is Out Now Amid Further Twitter Abuse
Anita Sarkeesian, polarizing feminist figure, has released the third part in the Tropes vs Women in Video Games series. This part covers women as they are portrayed in the indie games and mods. While Sarkeesian's work has garnered a large amount of ire in the gaming community, other believe it…
Doom That Came To Atlantic City Board Game Saved By Cryptozoic Entertainment
The Doom That Came To Atlantic City launched last year on kickstarter, and it smashed its $35,000 goal with a final total of $122,874. With that amount of money you would expect The Forking Path to be able to deliver the board game at the very least, but sadly not.…