Bandai Namco has announced a release date for their new Action-RPG CODE VEIN for both the standard and collector editions for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The release date was also announced for the digital-only version for the PC.
When is CODE VEIN’s Release Date
CODE VEIN will be available on 28th September 2018 for the physical and digital version on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and digital only on the PC.
Whats in the Collectors Edition

If players decide to opt for the collector’s edition, it will come with the following:
- A 17cm figurine of Mia Karnstein with her deadly Blood Veil
- Digital Soundtrack
- Digital Artbook
- In-game customisation set for all characters – The Insatiable Bloodthirst.
Retailer Pre-order Bonuses
At selected retailers you can also get these pre-order bonuses:

- Three crossover weapons from God Eater. (Selected Retailers)
- Special blood veil Venous Claw, (Selected Retailers)
- Communication stamps for multiplayer. (Selected Retailers)
- Cosmetic items. (Selected Retailers)
CODE VEIN will be available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC from 28th September, 2018.