This is the third part of our unofficial guide for how to successfully complete the Confidants in Persona 5.
Each of these optional side stories require you to choose your dialogue wisely to ensure that you can level up your relationships with these valuable NPC’s.
As you reach each rank of the various Confidants, you will increase your EXP bonus created during Persona Fusions with a Persona that shares their assigned Arcana.
You will also gain specific abilities that will aid you on your journey through the struggles of balancing the real world and your activities as a Phantom Thief.
If you want to increase your Ranks more effectively, it is recommended to have a Persona that matches your Confidant’s Arcana as you will gain more points from selected choices.
Only the best choices for each decision are listed to ensure an efficient playthrough.
Note: You will NOT be able to start this event until your Knowledge stat is at Level 3.
Ability Unlocked: Shadow Calculus
Ability Description: Allows you to see enemy shadow Skills as well as the items you can receive from defeating them.
In order to unlock the Priestess Confidant, you need to visit Shujin Academy’s student council office after the in-game date of 6/25 to speak with Makoto Niijima.
After you have done this, the Priestess Confidant will begin.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Ability Unlocked: Baton Pass
Ability Description: Allows you to pass your attack turn to another party member with this ability.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Ability Unlocked: Brainiac Talk
Ability Description: Occasionally allows you a second chance to negotiate with a Shadow should you fail to reach a compromise.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Ability Unlocked: Follow Up
Ability Description: Allows this character to possibly use an attack that will knock down an enemy if the party misses the chance to do so.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Choice 5:
No additional Ability is gained at this Rank.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Note: You will NOT be able to start this event until your Charm stat is at Level 5.
Ability Unlocked: Harisen Recovery
Ability Description: Allows Makoto to occasionally heal a party member of a negative status ailment.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Ability Unlocked: Shadow Factorization
Ability Description: Allows Null, Repel and Drain targets to be seen while targeting enemy Shadows in battle.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Choice 5:
Choice 6:
Choice 7:
Ability Unlocked: Endure
Ability Description: Occasionally allows Makoto to retain 1HP after a fatal blow during battle.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Ability Unlocked: Protect
Ability Description: Occasionally allows Makoto to take a fatal blow during battle for the Protagonist.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Choice 5:
Choice 6:
Ability Unlocked: Second Awakening
Ability Description: Transforms Makoto’s Persona from Johanna into Agnes.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Choice 5:
Choice 6:
Ability Unlocked: Second Awakening
Ability Description: Transforms Makoto’s Persona from Johanna into Agnes.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Choice 5:
Choice 6:
Ability Unlocked: Cultivation
Ability Description: Allows you to grow vegetables with Haru on the roof of Shujin Academy.
In order to unlock the Empress Confidant, you will need to speak to Haru Okumura on the roof of Shujin Academy, or at the gates at the front of the school on the days when it is closed.
After you have done this, the Empress Confidant will begin.
Note: You will NOT be able to start this event until your Proficiency stat is at Level 5.
Ability Unlocked: Baton Pass
Ability Description: Allows you to pass your attack turn to another party member with this ability.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Ability Unlocked: Follow Up
Ability Description: Allows this character to possibly use an attack that will knock down an enemy if the party misses the chance to do so.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Ability Unlocked: Celebrity Talk
Ability Description: Occasionally allows you a second chance to negotiate with a Shadow should you fail to reach a compromise.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Choice 5:
Ability Unlocked: Cultivation
Ability Description: Allows you to collect more vegetables in a single harvest whilst growing them on the roof of Shujin Academy.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Ability Unlocked: Harisen Recovery
Ability Description: Allows Haru to occasionally heal a party member of a negative status ailment.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Choice 5:
Ability Unlocked: Soil Improvement
Ability Description: Decreases the amount of time needed to grow vegetables on the roof of Shujin Academy.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Ability Unlocked: Endure
Ability Description: Occasionally allows Haru to retain 1HP after a fatal blow during battle.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Ability Unlocked: Protect
Ability Description: Occasionally allows Haru to take a fatal blow during battle for the Protagonist.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Ability Unlocked: Second Awakening
Ability Description: Transforms Haru’s Persona from Milady into Astarte.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Ability Unlocked: Second Awakening
Ability Description: Transforms Haru’s Persona from Milady into Astarte.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Ability Unlocked: Moral Support
Ability Description: Allows Futaba to occasionally cast Kaja or healing spells in between turns in battle.
You will earn this Rank as part of the story line of the game. It cannot be missed.
Note: You will NOT be able to start this event until your Kindness stat is at Level 4.
Ability Unlocked: Mementos Scan
Ability Description: Allows Futaba to analyse Mementos to produce a map of the current floor.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
No additional Ability is gained at this Rank.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Ability Unlocked: Position Hack
Ability Description: Allows Futaba to occasionally cause a Hold Up at the beginning of an enemy encounter.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
No additional Ability is gained at this Rank.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Ability Unlocked: Active Support
Ability Description: Allows Futaba to occasionally charge allies attack power or heal their SP between turns.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Ability Unlocked: Treasure Reboot
Ability Description: Occasionally allows for new treasures to be placed within searchable areas inside Palaces.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
No additional Ability is gained at this Rank.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Ability Unlocked: Emergency Shift
Ability Description: Allows Futaba to switch out two fainted allies during battle with healthy party members.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Choice 5 (Romance Only):
Choice 6 (Romance Only):
Choice 7 (Romance Only):
Abilities Unlocked: Final Guard and Second Awakening
Ability 1 Description: Allows Futaba to occasionally stop an attack during battle that would kill a party member.
Ability 2 Description: Transforms Futaba’s Persona from Necronomicon into Prometheus.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Abilities Unlocked: Final Guard and Second Awakening
Ability 1 Description: Allows Futaba to occasionally stop an attack during battle that would kill a party member.
Ability 2 Description: Transforms Futaba’s Persona from Necronomicon into Prometheus.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Choice 5:
Choice 6:
Choice 7:
Choice 8:
Choice 9:
Ability Unlocked: Lucky Reading
Ability Description: Allows one of your Social Stats to grow at an accelerated rate until the end of the current in-game day.
In order to unlock the Fortune Confidant, you will need to perform a series of tasks over a number of days once she appears in Shinjuku.
After you have done this, the Fortune Confidant will be unlocked.
No additional Ability is gained at this Rank.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Ability Unlocked: Money Reading
Ability Description: Increases the amount of money earned at the end of enemy encounters until the end of the current in-game day.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
No additional Ability is gained at this Rank.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Choice 5:
Ability Unlocked: Fate Reading
Ability Description: Allows you to preview some of the upcoming abilities for any of your currently active Confidants.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
No additional Ability is gained at this Rank.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Ability Unlocked: Affinity Reading
Ability Description: Allows you to immediately deepen your relationship with any of your currently available Confidants.
Choice 1:
No additional Ability is gained at this Rank.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
No additional Ability is gained at this Rank.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
No additional Ability is gained at this Rank.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Ability Unlocked: Special Fate Reading
Ability Description: Allows you to preview all of the upcoming abilities for any of your currently active Confidants.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Choice 5:
Choice 6:
Ability Unlocked: Special Fate Reading
Ability Description: Allows you to preview all of the upcoming abilities for any of your currently active Confidants.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Choice 3:
Choice 4:
Choice 5:
Choice 6:
Choice 7: