After nearly a decade since the previous entry in the Blue Bomber’s franchise, Mega Man has finally returned with Mega Man 11. Unlike previous entries in the classic series, 11 makes the jump to a gorgeous 3D side-scroller, feeling like a truly modern entry in the classic Mega Man lineup. But how does it stack up to previous games, and our expectations?
From the beginning, MM11 screams charm. While story has never played a massive part in the Mega Man games, the fancy cutscenes in the new art style with some nifty voice acting really incited some nostalgic emotions from me. There isn’t anything too unique about the story in terms of Mega Man universe. Dr. Wily breaks into the lab of Dr. Light with his fancy new device that takes over the minds of Light’s Robot Masters, causing them to break out and cause havoc around the world (Sound familiar yet?) Mega Man then sets off to defeat all eight of the mind-controlled Robot Masters and stop Wily.