Welcome back hunters! Monster Hunter World Iceborne has been out for a month now and the icy winds haven’t stopped you. However, new content is on the horizon. So, sharpen your swords, coat your arrows, and grab that clutch claw; we are delving into what you can expect soon!
Resident Evil 2 Collaboration

First up we have the first collaboration of the new expansion: Resident Evil 2. Recently featured in one of the new trailers, Leao and Claire from the second installment of the Resident Evil franchise are seen tracking in the New World.
In this update, the layered armour for both characters appear to be unlockable from completing related quests as well as a new handler skin. Also, a new look for your house is featured along side an interesting twist on your characters look. This look is obviously going to be that of zombies. In the encounter with the variant Vaal Hazak, it would seem that characters that are affected by the battle move like zombies which is amusing to watch. It doesn’t stop there. New pendants will be available. These will take the form of Leon’s police bag, the Umbrella logo, and the secret tofu character.
Design a Weapon and Palico Armour

Up next is the results of the design a weapon and Palico armour competition. Much like the previous design a weapon, which resulted in the meta defining Wyvern Ignition Greatsword, the two winnings will be added to the game for players to craft and don proudly.
For the design a weapon contest the winner was a Charge Blade by the name of Black Eagle. This blade is adored with black feathers and is styled in a very regal fashion. It also seems to posses the thunder element. If its anything like the Wyvern Ignition then it will definitely be one Charge Blade fans will want to add to their collection.

As for the Palico armour, the wiggler stands supreme! Accompanying all you Wiggler Head fans out their, you can equip your feline friend with costume of a Wiggler in a pot. As a fan of the wiggler head, this is very exciting and charming all in one package!
These updates will bless the game in November 2019 following the Rajang update later this month (October). So what are your thoughts on the upcoming updates? Are you a fellow Wiggler fan? And will you be wielding the Black Eagle? Let us know in the comments below. Stay tuned for more news, reviews, and guides. Until next time, smile and game.