Titanfall 2 News and Features

New System Updates Coming To Xbox One
Online distribution for console updates have become a vital part of the industry over the last few years, thanks to the implementation of easily up-gradable...
White and Disc-less Xbox One Consoles Rumoured
Microsoft is reportedly working to bring a new range of Xbox One models to the market, including the white ‘employee-only’ version along with disc-less and...
Microtransactions: The Ugly in the Games Industry?
Microtransactions: the lurking force in video games that are becoming ever more popular and working their way into industry titles, something that some gamers increasing...
VGU Awards: Top 5 Fails of the Year
It’s been a strange year for gaming. The PS4 turned up and was hailed as the messiah by many, whilst its competitor the Xbox...EA Working on Six New IPs
With the firms current known game lineup containing only one known new IP, in the shape of mech shooter Titanfall, EA has been criticised...
EA’s E3 Press Conference: Showstopper or Curtain Closer?
Before the conference, EA had a lot of pressure on their shoulders. The last we truly heard from them before E3 were them stating...