Battlefield 4 is well known for it’s crazy and difficult easter Eggs, but this latest one takes the biscuit. Here is a guide on how to complete it.
Hey, do you like jumping through ever shrinking hoops of fire? You do?! Then you’ll love the Phantom Project. After the recent release of the Final Stand DLC for Dices Battlefield 4, a huge easter egg hunt took place, with several convoluted steps and many frustrated players. This particular easter egg, however, brought about a lot more than just a dinosaurs roar, or a small reference to previous games. This hunt leads to an entirely new weapon.
If you are a premium member, you qualify to unlock yourself a “Phantom Bow”; a bow and arrow, that’s right. A freaking bow and arrow. May I remind you that Battlefield 4 is a modern game about 64 player war, with tanks… and jets… and a bow and arrow?
Maybe I am just being sceptical because I am yet to unlock said bow, but I do sort of feel that its place in this game is a bit odd. However, maybe I am not giving it the recognition it deserves. It is a pretty powerful weapon that can deal a large amount of damage if close enough, and will guarantee a kill with a head shot. Not only that but it has three different arrow heads, including an explosive tip, which obviously can deal a bit more damage to a grouped bunch of players. This weapon is completely infantry based though, and hitting vehicles, even with the explosive arrows, will deal zero damage to the armour.
Now, as I mentioned, it feels slightly out of place in a modern war game, but then it is an optional unlock that offers yet another choice of weapon for the vast range of play styles that players can adapt in BF4. Not only that, but it is a viable stealth option for many players (despite the trail that the arrows leave behind them) as you will not show up on the mini map when firing the bow.
Now that you understand what you are trying to unlock, I will outline the long list of requirements to get anywhere near unlocking this opinion polarizing weapon. I expect that after reading the requirements, you will understand why I refer to it as the ‘Phantom’ Phantom bow. Gather yourself some sandwiches and a flask of coffee, as the journey ahead is a long one.
STEP ONE: Be a Premium member.
That’s right, you have to have premium to even be in with a chance of unlocking the bow. As this weapon has only become available with the last piece of DLC, anybody who had purchased individual map packs may feel a bit hard done by with this. However, you have to expect to get exclusive perks for paying the price of a full retail game on top of the price of the game itself.
STEP TWO: Unlock the Phantom Assignments.

The next thing you must do is log into your Battlelog on the official Battlefield 4 web page. There you will see “leaderboards” as one of the tabs at the top end of the page. After clicking on that, the global leaderboards will open. If you look at the bottom left of this page, you will see a very small silver skull icon. Clicking on this will open a command prompt style page. After all the mumbo jumbo finishes spouting its nonsense, you will be asked to enter a password for Phase 1. Enter the words “bumpinthenight”, no spaces, and without the quotation marks. This will unlock the first of four assignments.
Next you will be asked for the password for Phase 2, which is “epic dream worlds”. Spaces this time, but again no quotations.
Phase 3 will then be available, for which the password is “24344241893“, no quotations, but of course you knew that by now.
STEP THREE: Phase 4, Physical Restriction.

At this point you will be able to start the hardest, longest, most infuriating part of the whole process. You have 3 new assignments that list several tasks to do, but these are the least of you worries. I suggest you attempt to finish these assignments on the final stand map, as you will be running around looking at the floor like some sort of newb maniac who has never played an FPS in the pursuit of the next requirement. Before I explain what is expected of you, I will list the assignments tasks:
Phantom Prospect Assignment
Score 200 kills with Assault rifles.
Score 200 kills with Main battle tanks.
Get a total of 300 meter headshot (meaning collectively, not a single 300m headshot)
Phantom Trainee Assignment
Score 200 kills with pistols
Score 20 kills in a jet
Get 2x Shotgun Ribbons in a round
Phantom Initiate Assignment
Get 200 LMG kills
Get 50 kills with explosives
Get 25 roadkills
These assignments will unlock two camouflages, one for your gun and one for your soldier, and a dogtag, all of which need to be worn to gain entry to the Phantom Bows secret location. There are a couple more physical requirements; another dogtag, as well as 3 other players.

The hunt for the other dogtag may leave you frazzled, exhausted, frustrated and could seriously contribute to a lower kill/death ratio. You have been warned.
Scattered around all of four of the final stand maps will be tiny little boxes. These boxes will be white if the map is a snow covered one and brown if on the muddier maps. I really can’t emphasise how small these things are, and they will be very easy to overlook, not to mention they will be randomly spawned. There are set locations to each one, and luckily, the community of Battlefield 4 came together to help each other out with this seemingly impossible task. If you are lucky, it won’t take long at all to find a tag.
However, as mentioned above you need 4 players, each one having one of the tags that correspond with each of the maps in the final stand DLC. So essentially, if two of you find a tag on the same level, one of those tags will be of no use. If you wish to make this mountainous task a little more bearable, a much appreciated reddit user has posted a series of images pinpointing the exact locations that these tags could be found.
Once you have 1 of each tag for each of your squad, and you have equipped each of yourselves with all the previously mentioned Phantom camo and tags, you are good to access the room.
STEP FOUR: Going Deeper Underground.

Now that you have a fully Phantom clad squad, you are ready to find the elevator. On the Hangar 21 map, there is an inactive elevator up by the A flag in conquest. Get each of the four of you inside that elevator and it will activate and a button will be available to press. Once the elevator reaches the bottom of its descent, you will enter a room with a force field and a keypad on the right. The code, which was figured out by some very clever Morse Code savvy players, is “1290 429 397648 970“ (and I challenge you to try and enter the quotation marks this time). The code relates to flickering lights scattered around many of the levels.
When the forcefield drops, you and your compadres can move in and grab the Bow. Don’t forget to also grab the “orders” that unlock the fourth assignment “Phantom Operative”. They are hidden on top of a cabinet in the room.
Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of a bow and arrow… Good luck against them Light machine guns and attack choppers.

As a final note, a tweet on a Dice employee, who goes by the moniker @_jiju_ it was revealed that we may not be finished here. The tweet read “End of round? I don’t think you are done yet … 😉 “ sparking yet more speculation as to what will happen next. It is probably a safe bet that completing the fourth assignment will be at least one step in figuring out what the dev was talking about.