Gardening, Grenades and All Out Carnage In New PvZ Garden Warfare Gameplay
In this video recently released by EA, we get to some some more gameplay of the upcoming Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare. The game will pit zombies against plants in a brand new way, giving players direct control of different classes and weapon loadouts. The video is commentated over by…
Alien: Isolation Raw Gameplay Video
Thanks to the YouTuber "MWP", we now have a commentary free version of IGN's Alien: Isolation Gameplay video. This really helps to capture what the gameplay will be like and the atmosphere is tense and frightening as you would want an Alien game to be like. Make sure you check out…
Night-time is Deadly in New Dying Light Gameplay Video
Techland and Warner Bros. Interactive released a new gameplay video from Dying Light showing the night-time experience and the games day-and-night-cycle mechanic. The video shows off the different strategies that players adopt depending on the time of day in order to survive. During the day the infected are slow and…
Explore LEGO The Hobbit World Through Latest Gameplay Trailer
The LEGO series continues to expand through the gaming universe and this time LEGO The Hobbit is the latest series to receive this treatment. Check out the gameplay trailer below to see some of the characters, abilities and areas available in the title. This is already looking to be more of what…
New Characters and Special Moves Galore in the Newest J-Stars Victory Vs Gameplay Trailer
Who wouldn't want to pit their heroes against each other? J-Stars Victory Vs is getting bigger and better the more we see of it, with an ever growing roster of characters fully equipped with all their abilities and powers we expect them to have. If you are an anime fan make…
Attack on Titan: The Last Wings of Mankind Gameplay is Pretty Much What You Would Expect
Awesome! The Attack on Titan 3DS game is out now in Japan and based on this gameplay footage, it's pretty dang close to what an Attack on Titan should be. The combat looks interesting and the movement is a nice compromise for the console and the games design. Like…
Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Gameplay Trailer Online
Bundles of new content for Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends has been put up on display via the new trailer which has surfaced within recent days. The new footage, which lasts for roughly 8 minutes showcases the games opening scene, mass combat and several new killer crazy attack combos. It is also…
Attack on Titan: The Last Wings of Mankind’s Introduction Trailer Shows off Gameplay Modes, Character Customisation and More
This game is just getting more and more impressive! This brand new trailer for Attack on Titan: The Last Wings of Mankind is jam packed with tons of features including three story modes, full use of the 3D gear, examples of various different forms of Titan combat, animated cutscenes from…
Attack on Titan: The Last Wings of Mankind’s Second Trailer Confirms TitanShifter Gameplay
Fight for your life! The Attack on Titan 3DS game is getting a lot of hype, especially since it not only has everything that fans of the series have wanted, including some exciting DLC. One of the last things that gamers wanted from the game was to play as Titans…
Bravely Default Gets its First English Gameplay Trailer
Come on, its not THAT badly dubbed... After teasing the European gamers with a massive collectors edition, we finally have a trailer that shows off some of the English voice acting. It's not terrible, it suits the world and has a fair bit of emotion behind the few lines…
Kingdom Hearts 3 D23 Expo Gameplay Trailer
THE ACTION! THE RIDES! Kingdom Hearts 3 has been in the forefront of Sqaure Enix fans minds since its surprising reveal during this years E3, mostly concerning what the actual gameplay would look like. Now though, these thoughts can be put to rest as a gameplay trailer from the D23…
PS4 Exclusive Deep Down Gameplay
Capcom is starting a new franchise with its PS4- exclusive role-playing game, Deep Down and this morning released some direct-feed gameplay footage in a set of two videos. The footage was taken at the Tokyo Game show. Check out the first video below which demonstrates the basic combat and movement.…
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII: 17 Minute Gameplay Video
The footage comes ahead of the game February 2014 release. Lightning Returns will be released on February 11th, 2014 in North America and February 14th in Europe.
Ryse: Son Of Rome Demo
Ryse: Son of Rome-Silencing the Barabrians Gameplay Demo from EB Expo 2013. What do you think of the next gen graphics and fighting mechanics? Let us know in the comments.
NBA 2K14 PS4 Gameplay Trailer Released
NBA 2K14 is released this week on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, but with the PS4 and Xbox One to be released in over a months time it is no surprise that it will be a launch title for the next generation hardware. In case you are thinking of…
PlanetSide 2 Developers Planning To Speed Up Gameplay
Sony Online Entertainment are planning to initiate what they have called, "Operation: Make Faster Game". This is a move to dramatically improve PlanetSide 2's framerate and more as announced by technical director Ryan Elam on the PlanetSide forums. For Elam, the "core game" of PlanetSide 2 is in place and the team is…
Revelation of New Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm Footage
Today Electronic Arts and Dice released a new video for Battlefield 4. In the footage Executive Producer Patrick Bach provides us with a detailed tour of Paracel Island, a map with a series of small islands which relies on a heavy air and naval power from the teams to properly…
Gamescom Displays Gameplay Video for Day Z Standalone Edition
Since the zombie games of the late 90's, horror/survival fanatics have had one dream, and that dream was to kick zombie ass on a massive open world wasteland. How close are we to this reality? Well hopefully within arms reach as Bohemia Interactive's Dean Hall provided us with the newest…
GTA Online Gameplay Trailer
Grand Theft Auto V is on it's way later this year and alongside it is the online experience that everyone has been looking for. Promising to be bigger and better than ever, Rockstar released this trailer to showcase some gameplay of GTA Online and introduce you to what you and…
Monster Hunter 4 Insect Rod and Charge Axe Gameplay
The Charge Axe is looking pretty powerful. Switching between an Axe and Sword and Shield looks like a pretty strong combination. While the Charge Axe is strong, the Insect Rod just looks like a lot of fun to use! If you have been looking forward to the Charge…
Sonic Lost World Leaked Gameplay Footage
The NOT FOR UPLOAD is judging me and I don't like it... The above footage showcases two levels from Sonic Lost World, Desert Ruins and Silent forest. Despite the little bit of lag we can clearly see that Sega are holding true to their word and are making the game…