Nintendo Switch Live Launch Event Arriving In The New Year

The Nintendo Switch, Nintendo’s newest console which was originally codenamed the NX, was officially shown for the first time last week in a three minute teaser trailer that showed the hybrid machine in action. From playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild whilst walking the dog, to playing Splatoon in a dedicated eSports environment, Nintendo have made it clear that their latest console can fit into all walks of life.

Earlier today, Nintendo of America officially revealed that a live event will be held in Tokyo for the Nintendo Switch on January 12th 2017. It has been confirmed that the launch price and the final release date will be announced during the Nintendo Switch presentation, as well as the list of games you will be able to buy at launch. In addition, gamers in Europe and America will be able to preview the Nintendo Switch for themselves at exclusive hands on events, in a similar fashion to how the Nintendo 3DS was showcased back in 2011.

The Nintendo Switch currently scheduled to be released worldwide in March 2017. What launch titles are you hoping to see at the event, and how much will you be willing to play for Nintendo’s latest machine when the price is revealed? Let us know what you think in the comments below.