Xbox One’s DVR Runs at a Fixed Frame Rate and Resolution

 Microsoft are adding DVR functionality to the Xbox One so you can record all of your favourite clips to share with friends. The clips which get recorded will be fixed at 30 frames per second and in 720p resolution. These settings are irrespective of the native settings of the game being recorded.

“Game DVR captures beautiful clips at 720p 30fps,” Whitten told IGN during a Q&A session. “The first thing you’ll see with our game DVR is the integration of our Upload service on the console.”

“This service allows you to manage, edit, and share your content. Your clips are stored in the cloud. Also, you’ll see games making “magic moment” videos of your gameplay based on the game DVR functionality – all seamlessly integrated.”

“You’ll be able to see these clips in the Xbox One Guide, in your own game DVR collection, and when you are looking at gamercards on the system. You’ll also see games take advantage of this platform capability and do interesting things to integrate captured game footage into the game experience itself.”

Let us know what you think about these details on the DVR in the comments. Do you think the recording in 720p in a 1080p game is good enough?