Rising Star Games Patch Deadly Premonition PC Edition
After some time the much desired PC patch for Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut has finally hit online. Following what has been a month since the games release, patch v1.01 adds full controller support for the game, improves game performance, alters several achievement issues, tones some scenarios which were incredibly…
Deadly Premonition: Director’s Cut Finally Available On Steam
Deadly Premonition is the definition of "cult hit". The unbelievably weird game from director Hidetaka Suehiro is a bit like Twin Peaks, with all the weird connotations and Lynchian metaphor that comparison implies. The game is a 3rd person survival-horror  and a action adventure game, and upon its original release…
Deadly Premonition Graduates From Steam Greenlight
You may remember us pushing you to vote for Deadly Premonition on Steam Greenlight this time last week. It seems that  badgering paid off because Access Games polarizing horror has been approved in just six days. On their recent Steam Greenlight announcement Rising Star Games said "To say we're floored…
Cult Favorite Deadly Premonition On Steam Greenlight
Deadly Premonition straddles a fine line. To some it is so bad it's good, for others it is just bad. Whichever camp you fall into Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut is currently on Steam Greenlight awaiting your vote. With "unique" visuals and a surreal, uneasy tone prevalent throughout, Deadly Premonition captured…
Deadly Premonition: Directors Cut Coming to Europe In April
Deadly Premonition was always going to be a cult classic. A strange horror plot about a person in a raincoat, side-quests gained by peering into peopels windows and smoking cigarettes to pass time. Add in a good lashing of inspiration from Twin Peaks and you have one hell of a…