After a tragic accident leaves her unable to dance, a young ballet dancer and high school student named Hinako Shirai feels that her life has come to an end. After starting a new year at school, she makes friends with twin girls Yuzu and Lime, who give her the ability to transform into a magical girl styled being known as a Reflector. The twins promise her that if Hinako helps them to eliminate a group of evil beings known as the Seraph, she will be granted a single wish from the bottom of her heart.
The tale of an inexperienced magical girl is one that has been told many times in Japanese media, and Blue Reflection does an excellent job at portraying both the supernatural and the human side of the equation. At the start of the story, Hinako is initially portrayed as a defeated soul, who is selfishly obsessed with regaining her former glory. As the young teenager grows in power and experience by helping her classmates, Hinako grows into a more compassionate individual who has earned a new purpose in life. This is alongside her love for ballet, which was formerly her main focus. Aside from Hinako, the other characters in the story are also portrayed with the same care and attention, especially Yuzu and Lime, who grow to treat the protagonist as a sister as the story continues.
From its core, Blue Reflection is a prime example of a slice of life anime in video game form. Each of the twelve chapters showcases a different student from Hinako’s school, and the issues that they are facing in their lives. Some of these include low key issues like boyfriend troubles, whilst others deal with more serious topics such as domestic abuse from a parental figure. All of the topics are dealt with in a sensitive manner, and offer an inspiring message that there is always a way to overcome the obstacles in your life. At some point during each chapter, the character in question will go into an emotional meltdown, requiring Hinako and her new friends to take on their Reflector guises and enter a parallel world known as The Common. Similar to the way the Persona series uses this supernatural phenomenon, Hinako must uncover the Fragment, which is the source of their distress and purify it by empathizing with their struggles.