How to Get 1000CP Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO has been out for nearly a month and in that time servers have gone down, the Pokemon tracker has been removed, Pikachu has been found at the start of the game and there is a little trick to control your Eevee’s evolution.

Like any other Pokemon game there are a lot of values to take into account if you want to be the best trainer when it comes to battling. For the later levels and Pokemon Gyms it will be important that your Pokemon have a CP over 1000s. One user over on Reddit, Kyurun has worked out with pretty good acuracy what your base Pokemon’s CP will need to be for its final form to have over 1000 CP or close enough.

Pokemon / CP
Abra 526 Growlithe 433 Pidgeotto 579
Bellsprout 443 Haunter 642 Pidgey 339
Bulbasaur 546 Horsea 457 Pikachu 430
Caterpie 272 Ivysaur 834 Poliwag 307
Charmander 357 Jigglypuff 415 Poliwhirl 527
Charmeleon 585 Kabuto 508 Ponyta 676
Clefairy 493 Kadabra 717 Psyduck 451
Cubone 607 Kakuna 333 Rattata 393
Diglett 374 Koffing 513 Rhyhorn 527
Doduo 457 Krabby 424 Sandshrew 426
Dragonair 493 Machoke 676 Seel 962
Dratini 274 Machop 418 Shellder 382
Drowzee 481 Magikarp 100 Slowpoke 457
Sparky(Eevee) 496 Magnemite 463 Spearow 388
Pyro(Eevee) 405 Mankey 461 Squirtle 442
Rainer(Eevee) 381 Meowth 506 Staryu 421
Ekans 453 Metapod 282 Tentacool 405
Exeggcute 371 Nidoran (female) 336 Venonat 538
Gastly 367 Nidoran (male ) 372 Voltorb 498
Geodude 349 Nidorina 547 Vulpix 365
Gloom 676 Nidorino 610 Wartortle 715
Goldeen 468 Oddish 457 Weedle 315
Graveler 610 Omanyte 503 Weepinbell 681
Grimer 498 Paras 521 Zubat 385

Read more: 5 beginner tips to get you started in Pokemon GO.

It is worth mentioning that the tool used to calculate the CP is not 100% accurate so don’t take these values as rock solid but they should put you on the right track to make sure you can compete in the higher end battles later on. If you do want to get the most out of your Pokemon, you’ll need to dig a little deeper into their individual stats and IV’s and can use another calculator to get your CP levels.

If you are like me however, you’ll probably only ever be upgrading your many Pidgey into lots of bad ass Pidgeots and repeat the cycle over and over and over and over.