Supreme League Of Patriots Issue One Out Now

The job of a reality show superhero is a difficult one, but when you accidentally gain real superpowers and lose your identity to your alter ego, how do you adjust to this revelation? In Supreme League of Patriots by No Bull Intentions, the main character Kyle Keever faces this conundrum. Aided in his quest for justice by his sarcastic director friend Mel, and several other superheroes who want to join in the action, this is one point and click adventure that will go to infinity and beyond.

The first issue slash episode of the game is now available on Steam for £4.79, or you can buy the whole season at once for just under ten pounds. To find out more about Kyle and the Purple Patriot, be sure to check the trailer below, or visit the official website of the game.

Are you ready to join the Supreme League of Patriots? Let us know what you think in the comments below.