The Evil Within: Every Last Bullet Gameplay Revealed

Shinji Mikami’s newest horror title, The Evil Within, gets more brooding with a brand new gameplay trailer. This video showcases how important ammunition is to the player and hoow approaching situations more stealthily could save your life and your ammunition.

Also the video showcases how obstacles and traps that are normally meant for you, can be changed into valuable assets. Duck under trip wires and avoid triggers so that your opponents walk into them instead. Improvising is surviving. Finally, be sure to that your opponents are dead. The last thing you want is a seemingly defeated enemy rising up for one last bite of your flesh. Set them alight to finish the job.

We are also introduced to the Asylum, a safe haven that the main character Sebastian can go to through mirrors. In this place, you are able to save your progress as well as prepare yourself for the coming storm. Also you can upgrade your abilities so that you are tougher, faster and can carry more firepower. Without these vital improvements to yourself, you will be tilting on the edge of death.

The Evil Within will be releasing on PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4 and PS3 on October 14th in both Europe and North America.

What do you think of this new Evil Within gameplay? Are you going to order the game? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.