Wildstar Prepares For Sabotage Content

Enjoying Wildstar? Wanting more PvP action? Well NCSOFT is here to supply you with what you need. Revealed recently, the MMO is getting some new content orientated around player versus player content by the name of Sabotage.

Featuring mounts, airstrikes and ton of explosions, Sabotage will allow players from level thirty to enter a fifteen vs fifteen battleground by the name of Daggerstone Pass. The aim is to defeat your enemies base by capturing and holding nearby areas to gain points. But how does the mode get its name? Simple, with the explosives spawning randomly around the base. One picked up by a player, these bombs will begin ticking down and can be used for many different explosive strategies. Every explosion will put points towards your teams total and you can even risk blowing up your opponents fusion core for an immediate victory.

It is always great to see new content to MMOs after ther original release and Crabine Studio’s is not disappointing. The future looks bright for this MMO, with more content and patches coming in the near future to satisfy any players craving for more. The next dose of content is in the form of PvE, but what will it entail? We will have to wait and find out.

What do you think of Sabotage coming to Wildstar? Will you make some explosives plays? Let us know what you think down in the comments.