Book Of Unwritten Tales Gets A Second Chapter [Updated]

When The Book of Unwritten Tales was released back in 2010, fans of the point and click adventure genre were delighted. The game took everything that made the classic games of it’s kind, and combined with them with loveable characters, great graphics and a sense of humour as wide as the grin you would have on your face.

It was shortly followed by a prequel named The Critter Chronicles, which told the story of how two of the main characters met. King Art Games have kept quiet about the possibility of a sequel, until now.

The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 will feature all of the characters from the original, plus a whole range of new friends, and less than friendly antagonists. The game itself has already been funded by the publisher, but with the help of KickStarter, King Art Games are hoping to include many more additional features. These extras include better animations, multiple ways to solve particular puzzles and a fully orchestrated soundtrack.

If you are interested in hearing more about the game, be sure to check out the official KickStarter page or the official developer site.

Update: The game has reached it’s funding goal of $65,000 with over thirty days left in the campaign. To thank the supporters, the developers released this celebratory video message.

Are you interesting in helping Wilbur on his new adventure, or saving the world once more from dark forces? Let us know what you think in the comments below.