Nintendo Presents the New Louvre 3DS Guide

In a surprise collaboration, Nintendo have teamed up with the Louvre and are now offering 3DS consoles as audio visual guide at the museum in question. The loaned out 3DS’s also can help you plan a route around the building and features 3D renders of all of the art available.

A more cultured Nintendo.

The software also boasts:

The guide will also be available to buy as a physical title in the gift shop of the Louvre after the tour is completed. This software is definitely the future of museum guides and I hope to see more of it in other famous museums as well, but if you can’t get to these places or are just curious of what the guide is like, you can also purchase it soon from the Nintendo eShop.

What do you think of 3DS audio visual guides? Would you like to see more of them? Or are they a silly idea?