League of Legend’s boss Twitter Account Hacked and Information Leaked

Over the weekend, Marc Merrill had his Twitter account hacked, he said through the social network last night.

The result was a detailed tweets claiming that Riot Games have completed, but never released, a card game called League of Legends: Supremacy.

The hacker concluded “Riot doesn’t want you to play this game,”

Images of the game’s log-in screen and card templates were published on Merrill’s account, followed by threats to expose futher information about the game unless the Riot president emailed the user to tell him otherwise.

“Yup, someone got onto my Twitter account. Yup, someone shared some old screens from one of the many prototypes we’ve experimented with,” Merrill explained once the account was back in his hands.

“We’re always working on a variety of new ideas for League & beyond. Lots of experimentation that may never see the light of day :).” He added.

The tweets have since been deleted, but what do you think of this information? Tell us in the comments.