Vote Now for Call’s Design in The Mighty No,9

We don’t know if you have heard of the Mighty No. 9 Kickstater but it is really something you should check out if you can. Not only is the game now coming out on every platform imaginable but now you can vote for what design of the leading lady Call you would like be used in the final product. Here are something to bare in mind when deciding:

The top three most popular designs based on this open-to-the-public vote between now and the end of the Kickstarter campaign will be announced as part of the endgame livestream around 5:30pm PST on Tuesday, October 1 when the Kickstarter is set to end. Those three designs will be coloured and refined for another round of backer-only voting on the new Mighty No. 9 official forums, due to go up sometime in late October or early November.

Sound good? The get to voting!

Liking the look of the Mighty No. 9? Will you be voting? Have you pledged?