World Of Warplanes Update Adds British Planes And Other Bells And Whistles

Still in open beta, World of Warplanes still has a fair amount of spit and polish left until the proper release. The latest update, 0.5.3, changes quiet a bit. The most important addition is the introduction of 12 British RAF planes, with their own tech tree. Tech trees have also been given a revamp, changing them to the planned final release state. Players may finally play as the iconic Spitfire, made famous by its role in WWII, something sure to please many fans.

A bevy of smaller changes are included, including redone engine sounds, two new maps, and new control schemes. Premium planes have been shuffled, introducing more and removing theĀ F5U, 109TL, LBSh, J4M1, and Me 609. Players who bought these are the premium price will be compensated, as well as being able to keep them in their hangers.

This is by no means the full run-down of updated feature, with the full list available here. You can also play the open beta here.

What do you think? Do you play World of Warplanes, or World of Tanks? Let us know in the comments.