XCOM: Enemy Within – Release Date Announced

2K and Firaxis Games announced today that the “expanded experience” to last year’s XCOM: Enemy Unknown will be available in North America on November 12th, and internationally on November 15th

The game, whose existence was leaked a few weeks ago, is an expanded update of Enemy Unknown featuring new abilities, upgrades and weapons to combat new enemies. The game will also feature new maps and multiplayer content. 

Among the new features for Enemy Within are Gene mods, which allow players to enhance specific parts of their soldiers’ bodies, and MECs. MECs, or Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, is a new Trooper class which has specialised abilities of their own, and are also upgradeable themselves with new weapons such as flamethrowers.

On PC and Mac, XCOM: Enemy Within features additional content that can be enjoyed with previously purchased copies of XCOM: Enemy Unknown.  The  Xbox 360 and PS3 versions will be available as XCOM: Enemy Within – Commander Edition, a standalone pack featuring the new XCOM: Enemy Within content and the add-on content that was previously released for XCOM: Enemy Unknown, including the Elite Soldier Pack and Slingshot Content Pack.

Will you be downloading XCOM: Enemy Within? Let us know what you think in the comments below.