Wolfenstein: The New Order Screenshots Show A Bloody Reich

Robot Nazis, how can those two words not evoke some form of excitement? Swedish devs MachineGames are planning to capitalize on said premise with their 1960’s set shooter Wolfenstein: The New Order. Replace the hippies with the gestapo and Nixon with Mecha-Hitler and they may be onto a winner.

Wolfenstein: The New Order will be the 9th iteration of the series, taking place as a sequel to the 2009 Wolfenstein game. While the 2009 game wasn’t a particularly stand-out game, hopefully New Order can return a little of the series long-lost prestige. As the creator of the FPS genre it has a certain standard to uphold, a standard which it has failed to do in the past.

Take a look at these new screenshots and make your own mind up about how the game is turning out so far:






Wolfenstein: The New Order is predicted to come out in 2012 on PS3, Xbox 360 and Windows as well as the next-gen PS4 and Xbox One.

What do you think? Excited for this Fascist violence-a-thon? Wish the series would die instead of being resurrected once again? Let us know in the comments.