Borederlands 2: GoTY edition spotted on Steam database

Borderlands 2 may well be getting a Game of the Year edition, at least according to the Steam database.

The database entry reveals that a Game of the Year edition for Borderlands 2 was added on the database on July 1st and also shows all of the individual peas that will come in the pod, from the main game itself to all the DLC. Here is the full list of content that is (still unconfirmed) in the GOTY edition:

This does make sense, with all the DLC having been released, and a GOTY was certainly on its way at some point in the future. Are you yet to buy Borderlands 2? If this GOTY edition is true, then it will certainly be the best opportunity to get the whole experience. Let us know If you’d pick this edition up with a comment below.