The Bureau: XCOM Declassified “Call The Shots” Trailer

After the lull of news until the re-announcement of 2K Marin’s The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, it is good to see the advertising machine has reached full-spin.

This four long trailer, dubbed “Call the Shots” shows off a good chunk of gameplay, including most of the games mechanics and features.

While at times it comes a bit close to looking like the next Gears of War game, the 1950’s style with a slight supernatural twist should raise it up enough to give it its own sense of identity.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified will be out on Windows, PS3 and Xbox 360 August 20th in NA and 23rd in EU.

What do you think? Can The Bureau carve its own indentity amist the other cover-based shooter? Let us know in the comments.