Blood Bowl 2 Trailer

Here is the new Blood Bowl 2 trailer fresh from Cyanide and Focus Home Interactive. Blood Bowl 2 has been secretly under development for a year at Cyanide Studio and is the sequel of Blood Bowl, the video game adaptation of Games Workshop’s boardgame that twists American football with a fantasy universe inspired by Warhammer, all in a bloody and explosive cocktail of turn-based strategy. More information will be released in the coming months.

This short video is an introduction to the famous and legendary duo of fan-favourite commentators: Jim Johnson the Vampire, and Bob Bifford the Ogre ex-star player of Blood Bowl! We have already had the pleasure of listening to their corrosively ironic commentaries during the first Blood Bowl video game’s matches, but fans will be delighted to learn that these two colourful characters will make a noteworthy return in Blood Bowl 2, where they will take a particularly important place!

In Blood Bowl 2, Jim & Bob will be with us, flesh and blood, throughout the game. They will be modelled, and animated in their Cabalvision studio that will be the main interface for the game! The whole game will be presented in a Cabalvision theme – the official Blood Bowl TV! – where Jim & Bob will guide players, comment their decisions and will even interview key star players appearing in the huge campaign mode. Of course, they will also grace us with their wild commentaries during the matches!

Games Workshop have come under a lot of flak recently for abandoning many of their specialist games, including Blood Bowl in favour of their more profitable franchises Warhammer and Warhammer 40k, so it’s nice to see they have found some way to keep these games alive.

Looking forward to another entry in the Blood Bowl series? The NFL just not violent enough for you? Let us know in the comments below.