Payday 2 Gameplay Trailer And Pre-Order Incentives

While not the first bit of gameplay we have seen for Overkill Software’s criminal sequal Payday 2, this gameplay trailer presents a more calm and collected side to the hectic robberies of the downloadable only original, Payday: The Heist. While Payday 2 won’t shy away from the bullets and blood, it allows for a more open experience, including stealth and silenced pistols that are actually useful. This should make Hoxton, Chains, Dallas and Wolf’s descent on Washington D.C. an oppurtunity worth capitalising on, which is handy because there are a few bonuses for those who want to get in on the action early.

For those who want to buy the game on PS3 and Xbox 360, the retail £29.99 pre-order comes with the “Loot Bag DLC” which includes:

For PC players however, the Steam pre-order comes in two varieties. 

First the “Lootbag DLC” comes with all pre-orders for the lower price of £24.99 and includes all the bonuses listed above in the retail edition.

Secondly the “Career Criminal Edition” for £29.99, is the ultimate hardcore law-breaker package. It comes with:

Sounds like a good deal. Payday 2 will be out August this year for all your bank-robbing needs

Will you be getting in on it? Did you enjoy the original Payday? Tell us in the comments.