4Chan Mave Made a Pokemon Game and it’s Quite Impressive

The Pokémon 4chan user board have created a Pokémon game called Fakemon. This isn’t some troll or a means to be offensive either; it is a real and rather good looking game project. There has been a lot of effort put into the creation of this game as you can see from the concept art.

4chan pokemon list

The game has you playing as one of two new trainers, Simon or Sofia as they explore the region of Urobos, which is based off of South America, while trying to catch up to their rival, Richardo.

The game is put together quite well, the looks great and it seems the production of the game is coming along. Fakemon already has a Wiki with a complete list of all the new Pokémon so far, an active forum and some gameplay demos as well!

This is such a cool game and I personally love the Pokémon that have been created so far. This is something that you should keep your eyes on if you are a Pokémon fan and if you want to play a demo of Fakemon you can download the game now, but bear in mind it’s still in its early stages!

What do you think of Fakemon? Will you be playing it? Do you think something from 4chan can turn out ok? Let us know what you think in the comments below!