The Caligula Effect Overdose Review
The Caligula Effect Overdose is a rerelease of a PlayStation Vita game from a few years ago. When the original Caligula Effect released, it was met with a lukewarm response from reviewers, prompting this more fleshed out and prettied up version of the game to seek a chance for redemption.…
The Banner Saga 2 (PS4) Review
Coming along mere months after the release of the first game in the series, The Banner Saga 2 has made its way to the home consoles on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The original Banner Saga was a very story-driven experience, relying on the player to invest themselves in the…
The Banner Saga (PS4) Review
The Gods are dead, the sun has frozen and the foul scourge of the Dredge are trying to wipe out any trace of human life on earth. Well, that's only if me and my army of men, giants and crazy fire-witches have anything to say about it. This Banner Saga…