Silence Demo And Launch Trailer Released
Back in 2009, a game named The Whispered World was released by Daedalic Entertainment. It focused on the journey of a young clown named Sadwick who was searching for a meaning to his existence. The story is now set to continue with Silence, which will be released next week for…
The Whispered World Is Spoken Once More Today
Before Daedalic Entertainment brought us the mechanical epic that was the Deponia trilogy and the mystical adventure that was Night of the Rabbit, they began with the tale of a young clown named Sadwick. As you may guess from his name, Sadwick wasn't exactly the most joyful person in existence,…
Daedalic Entertainment titles in this weeks Humble Weekly Sale
Daedalic Entertainment have put forward 8 of their titles to be featured in the Weekly Humble Sale which is the weekly version of the Humble Bundle. For just $1 gamers can get Harvey’s New Eyes, A New Beginning – Final Cut The Whispered World The Chronicles of Shakespeare: Romeo &…