Twitch Is Coming To PS4
Announced at Gamescom yesterday during Sony's media conference, the live-streaming video games broadcasting and spectating platform is coming to the PS4. It's unclear if the free app - which will let users broadcast to the service directly from their PS4s - will be available at the launch of the console…
Call Of Duty: Ghosts – PS3-PS4 Transfer Price Revealed
Yesterday at Sony's Gamescom 2013 conference, the PS4-maker announced a scheme to provide players who buy PS3 versions of PS4 games with the opportunity to purchase PS4 versions of said games at a "significantly reduced price". Today, Activision shared with the world what that price would be for Call of…
New Gamescom Trailer for War Thunder PS4 Release
The currently PC-exclusive MMO combat title War Thunder, which drop gamers into hectic and brutal air and land based combat scenarios released a new trailer today at Gamescom for its PS4 release.  War Thunder features over 300 historically accurate WW2 vehicles but this number is set to rise and expand…
PS4 Launch Date Announced
Sony announced at the close of its Gamescom media briefing that the PlayStation 4 will launch for its E3-announced price of $399, £349, and €399 on November 15th, 2013 in the US and November 29th in the UK. We'll bring you more from Gamescom as it happens, as we'll be…
Sony Role Out Plethora Of Indie Games For Current And Next-Gen
Sony has always been loud and proud about how much they love indie devs. Since the success of ThatGamesCompany with Flow, Flower and Journey, Song have been making a lot of noise to make sure everyone knows they are the place to go for console indie titles.At this years Gamescom…
Sony Announces PS Vita Price Drop
Sony has revealed that the PS Vita, as of August 21st, will be priced at $199 and €199 for North American and European customers respectively. Sony did not mention a UK price cut as of this time. Sony is likely using this move is a platform for more Vita sales,…
Gran Turismo 6 Gamescom Trailer Reveals Release Date
The trailer shows stunning new footage, as well as the release date, which is set at December 6th, 2013 for PS3.
PS Vita ‘Summer Select’ Sale Offers Discounted Indie Games
To help celebrate the launches of 4 new indie titles to the PS Vita's store, Sony have revealed plans to offer each game at a reduced price, to PS Plus subscribers in the US, during their launch week. Each game will be discounted by 20% for 6 days and will…
Sony’s Internet TV Series Up Against Microsoft Xbox One
Sony's internet TV service is set to compete with Xbox One's TV media, as reported by the Wall Street Journal. Sony has been allegedly finalizing preliminary deals with Viacom.  Microsoft will be offering it's cable/satellite with subscriptions, but it seems they are not alone as Sony are also making deals, including a…
PS4 Recording & Streaming Features Are Available To All
In a series of tweets to Shuhei Yoshida, fans of the Playstation 4 questioned about the recording and streaming capabilities of the console. Many were worrying that these new abilities will be exclusive to those with a Playstation + membership. In response to these tweets, Yoshida put the record straight:…
PlayStation 4 Pre-Orders No Longer Guaranteed For Launch Date
In a message sent to Amazon, ShopTo and a number of other UK retailers, Sony can no longer guarantee your console for launch date. The message, displayed first by ShopTo, reads: "Sony have confirmed all PlayStation 4 pre-orders placed from 6th August will now not be guaranteed for launch. You…
Planetside 2 Will Not Have Cross-Platform Play
 Planetside 2 creative director has had to share the unfortunate news that Planetside 2 will not be allowing PC players to play against PS4 players. The reason for this is explained to be because of servers syncing and the extra processes necessary to patch a PS4 game in comparison to…
PS4 Game Downloads to ‘Rearrange by Popularity’
The new option being given to games developers working on the PS4 will be the ability to decide what order their game will be downloaded in. This option enables sections of the game that a consumer may want more, such as the multiplayer components of titles such as Battlefield to…
The Last of Us DLC is On the Way
In a recent AMA with some of the developers of the amazing "The Last of Us", one Redditor asked the right question to start everyone getting excited: The Last of Us is one of the best games we at VGU have ever had the pleasure of playing so more of that…
Monster Hunter Frontier G PS3 & Wii U Announcement Trailer
  Please come to the west, please come to the west, please come to the west.... Now after nearly six years, Monster Hunter Frontier G is coming to PS3 and Wii U as well as PC and Xbox 360, and boy is it looking amazing! We at VGU are just…
Monster Hunter Frontier G is Being Released on Wii U and PS3
This weeks Famitsu Magazine has revealed that Monster Hunter Frontier G is in development for the Wii U and PlayStation 3. The game will be out on PS3 on November 20th followed by the Wii U on December 11th in Japan this year. A free trial period will be available from…
Sony Releases PS4 Q&A Video
In a new Q&A video released on the PlayStation Access YouTube channel, a few new details have been released about the PS4. Some details that have been expanded on include the inclusion of a 2,000 person long friends list and that although players will now have to pay for PS+…
PlayStation 4 will reserve 3.5GB of its 8GB RAM for the OS
Sony's upcoming next-gen console, the PlayStation 4 may come with a whopping 8GB of GDDR5 RAM, but only 4.5GB of that is guaranteed to developers of PlayStation 4 titles. Of the missing 3.5GB, an additional 1GB can be accessed as flexible memory, meaning it can be used by the game…
Gran Turismo 6 Revealing Trailer
Gran Turismo 6's latest trailer features a load of racers we've never heard of tell us that Gran Turismo 6 is the premier racing simulator whilst doing their best to be as awkward and cheesy as possible on camera. Having played the game we can tell you that it's definitely…
PS4 to Support PS3 Headsets, Launch Title Details and Self Publishing Process Revealed
A Sony official attending the Sand Diego Comic-Con has confirmed that the new PS4 system shall support the use of the PS3's wireless headsets. Sony have also said that the PS4 shall be shipping with mono earbuds. Also confirmed are a list of Day 1 launch titles for the system,…
Diablo 3’s Creepy PS3 Trailers
Short and scary, above you can see the 2 trailers for Diablo 3's PS3 launch coming September 3rd. We advise viewers of a nervous disposition turn their speakers down before you watch them. The creepy trailers are getting Diablo fans excited for the PS3 released. What do you think of…