GAME Hosting Premier League Football Talent at FIFA 14 Launch Events
GAME stores around the country will be opening at midnight so gamers can play the latest edition in EA's annual sports franchise, FIFA 14. To help celebrate the launch of the next football title, a number of stores up and down the country will be playing host to Premier League…
Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut Out Today On PSN
 Jasper Byrne's pixelated horror-show is now available though the PSN store for your Playstation 3 and PS Vita. Lone Survivor originally came out on PC March last year, but now it has finally made its way to Sony consoles today. Lone Survivor is a surreal affair, with most of the…
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Opening Cinematic
The story for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is a little complicated. While Final Fantasy XIII itself wasn't overly complicated, XIII-2 added time travel and everything got weird. The basic summary involves the death of Lightning's sister Sarah and the ending of time brought about by the death of the…
Beyond: Two Souls Cost $27 Million To Make
Speaking during an interview with the French website Le Figaro, David Cage - Quantic Dream's studio lead and the writer/director of Beyond: Two Souls - confirmed that the game has had a production budget of €20 million. Converting that to dollars gives us the figure of a little over $27…
New Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW! Screenshots
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW! is looking like a really fun dungeon crawler and hopefully will be a lot better the the other Adventure Time game. From the looks of this, the co-op style the game is going for would suit the handheld platform a lot better…
Full Tracklist Revealed for Just Dance 2014
Just Dance 2014 is the fifth addition to the popular dancing series published by Ubisoft. With its release date of October 1st in the US and October 4th in the UK just over the horizon, Ubisoft have released the full tracklist for the game. With notable additions including Robin Thicke's…
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Includes Aerith Costume
Aerith or Aeris, whatever the spelling many gamers remember the sweet flower girl from Final Fantasy VII. Having one of the most , if not THE most, memorable death scenes in all of gaming history, she is one of the most fondly remembered characters from the PS1 era. Square Enix…
Grand Theft Auto V Review
Discussing a game like Grand Theft Auto V is a hard thing to do. It isn't very often that a game that has both such a grand a scope with its world, while also having a pinpoint focus comes to be. Seen by many as the last big release of…
Spartacus Legends Update Will Feature Tournaments
It seems fitting that Spartacus Legends is getting a Tournament feature - the gladitoral fighting game has been brutally slicing and maiming as a free-to-play game on consoles since its release in the summer. Spartacus Legends is based on the equally gory and over-the-top Starz TV series Spartacus, and is…
GAME Stores To Host Lock-In Events for Beyond Two Souls
Quantic Dream's next PS3 title Beyond: Two Souls, starring actress Ellen Page and actor Willem Dafoe, will be getting it's own round of Lock-In events in GAME stores around the UK. Following on from titles such as FIFA 14 and Diablo III, the lock-in event will give gamers the chance…
GTA V Hits $1 Billion In Retail Sales
People predicted Grand Theft Auto V would sell well, and it has. With an amazing $800,000,000 worth of sales on the games first day, Take-Two have announced that they have reached the $1 billion milestone in just three days. This smashes the previous prediction that this would happen after the first…
[Update] Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Teaser Site Points To A Reveal Coming Later Today
Update: The site is now live with a new mystery "From Fight to Spite, Where her wick soul rests". Once you get into the site after finding the answer you are brought to a new pretty cool UI (Pictures at the bottom) We know it all about Assassin's Creed IV: Black…
Soul Calibur: Lost Swords – Announcement & Trailer
Namco Bandai games has announced that the next Soul Calibur game is a free to play title coming exclusively to PS3 this winter. The game appears to be exclusively single player, which, suffice to say is incredibly odd for a fighting game. The game will feature new element-based weapons and…
The Evil Within – TGS Trailer
The official trailer from this year's Tokyo Game Show for The Evil Within is now making the rounds. Created by Shinji Mikami (creator of Resident Evil 4), The Evil Within - known as Psycho Break in Japan - is a third person horror game that features the same over-the-shoulder view…
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z Trailer Released for Tokyo Game Show
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z is the next fighting title from Namco Bandai which focuses on the popular anime Dragon Ball Z. The newest addition to the franchise gives players a new way to enjoy Dragon Ball Z with 4-player co-op fights allowing you to fight alongside your friends…
Battle Princess of Arcadias – Boss Trailer
 Nippon Ichi's new title, Battle Princess of Arcadias a PS3 exclusive JRPG side scroller has been revealed further today with a trailer highlighting in depth the combat system and the huge bosses players will face.In the game, players will lead an army division known as the, "Princess Corps" and you and your allies will…
Blizzard Removing Diablo III’s Auction House
Blizzard have revealed plans to remove the Diablo III  money and gold auction houses in March 2014. Speaking in a development update, John Hight and Josh Mosqueira, the production director and game director respectively, revealed the plans to remove Diablo III's controversial feature. The pair explained their reasoning to be…
A Gamer Has Supposedly Been Killed for Grand Theft Auto V in the UK
At 1:20 BST today in North London, a 23 year old was hit with a brick, stabbed and then mugged for their watch, phone and their copy of Grand Theft Auto V mere moments after heading home from a local midnight release of said game. The victim is still alive…
Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Trailer
  The narrated video shows us some new footage of some crazy moments possible in the new engine. The trailer also shows us how the destructible environments can come crashing down, right in the middle of the multiplayer match. Vehicle-based warfare makes its return, with tanks, fighter jets, and helicopters…
Taro Yamada and Jaguar Junichi are Being Included in J Stars Victory VS
Coming to J Stars Victory VS is Taro Yamada (as a fighter) from Tarō to Yukaina Nakama-tachi and Jaguar Junichi (as a support character) from Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar. It is unknown how these characters will fight/be used but  you can bet it is going to be a bit crazy! Have you heard of J…
Agarest: Generations of War coming to Steam
Agarest: Generations of war is coming to Steam and is one of the first console JRPG's being ported over to the digital service.  The game is currently ready to pre-order and will be available to play on your PC on October 3rd. Not played or heard of the game? Check…