Two Scenes In Beyond: Two Souls Edited For European Release
Two scenes from Quantic Dreams Beyond: Two Souls have been edited to reach standards for a PEGI 16 rating. Alexander Ross confirmed this via the EU Playstation Blog, stating: "There are only two amends between the EU and US versions of the game, amounting to about 5-10 seconds of gameplay…
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director’s Cut Features Trailer Confirms Release Date
Coming out on WiiU, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut hopes to fix all the issues of the original release. While this trailer only expands on the WiiU features, other additions will include improved boss fights, Missing Link DLC, and better AI. Being released at…
Battlefield 4 Beta Launches Today
The beta for Battlefield 4 is now live. Those who pre-ordered BF4 Digital Deluxe Edition for PC on Origin, are Battlefield 3 premium members, or those who are registered owners of Medal of Honor Warfighter Digital Deluxe Edition can download the beta now. The full public beta, which is open…
Rocksmith 2014 – New Songs Announced
Ubisoft has today announced new songs for Rocksmith 2014 Edition. The game comes bundled with a special cable that allows you to plug any existing guitar into the game and start playing or learning. Those who purchase the special guitar bundle will also receive 6 additional DLC songs for free. The guitar…
Rockstar Release New Details About GTA Online Ahead of Launch Later Today
New information about GTA Online has been released on Rockstar's official blog ahead of its release later today. First and perhaps most importantly to a number of gamers is the release time. GTA Online will be made live through a title update that will be downloadable on PSN and Xbox…
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Trailer
Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World are getting an HD re-release in 2014 on Playstation 3.  The two JRPGs were originally released on Gamecube and Playstation 2 from 2004. The games feature a tactical realtime battle system. The HD upgrade will also feature the…
Assassin’s Creed IV Pirate Heist Trailer Confirms Release Dates For All Platforms
Everybody seems to love a good heist recently. After Payday 2 and GTAV getting in on the action, the Assassin's Creed series seems to be the next to get in on the action. With the release of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag on the horizon, Ubisoft is confirming the release…
Battlefield 4 Beta Preload Now Available
Available through EA's Origin client, Battlefield 4's Beta is now able to be downloaded for preloading. The Beta will require 5646.51MB of data for download and will only be playable on 64bit systems. To gain access to the beta you need to do one of the following: Pre-order Battlefield 4…
Ar no Surge First Scans Leaked
According to Dengeki PlayStation magazine, Ar no Surge will revolve around magic and the power of thoughts and it has been confirmed that the name is indeed a combination of two game franchises, Ar Tonelico and Ciel no Surge. However, the relation between the games have not been revealed as of yet. Ar…
Vote Now for Call’s Design in The Mighty No,9
We don't know if you have heard of the Mighty No. 9 Kickstater but it is really something you should check out if you can. Not only is the game now coming out on every platform imaginable but now you can vote for what design of the leading lady Call…
Call of Duty Ghosts’s Multiplayer Customization Detailed
Speaking in an interview with GamingBolt, Eric Biessman, the creative director at Raven Software - the developer behind Call of Duty: Ghost's multiplayer mode - shed light on some of its customization options. The increased effort that has been put into customization for the multiplayer mode comes due to Call…
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII – Miqo’te Garb Trailer
The video shows us the titular character Lightning decked out in her Miqo'te outfit based on the class from Square's other big Final Fantasy game, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. We are also shown some new customization options, whic will aloows players to choose the colors of different aspects of…
Beyond: Two Souls Special Edition Announced
On the official PlayStation US Blog, it was announced that the upcoming PS3 exclusive Beyond: Two Souls  is getting a special edition. Developed by Quantic Dream, the game is a 3rd person interactive mystery featuring Ellen Page as Jodie, a woman who finds herself intrinsically bound to the mysterious spiritual entity…
Dark Souls II Stunt Brings Traffic In London To A Stand Still
If you stopped on your way back from work by a six foot man in armor, wielding a sword, it would be pretty scary experience, or at least a little weird. This was the sight many gamers and pedestrians were met with at Eurogamer Expo yesterday, after one of the…
Assassin’s Creed IV Trailer Shows Some Salty Faces
Are you familiar with your 18th century pirates? Like every Assassin's Creed game, Black Flag will make sure that by the end you will be an expert with the faces of the day. In this latest trailer, we get to a brief glimpse at the individuals Ubisoft will be populating…
Disgaea D2 is available in Europe today dood!
Disgaea D2 is the remake of Disgaea 2 not only has it been made in HD the core gameplay has been upgraded for a better playing experience. The Key Features of the new game are: Enhanced Customisation: Character customisation system has been completely redone to allow even more customisation. Master/Pupil…
Destiny – Bungie Details In-Game Weapons
Bungie has released a ton of new info showing the process that went into creating the weapons in Destiny, the persistent-world online shooter coming to nextgen consoles. It seems as though the developers wanted the design of each weapon to tell a story and be its own character, as detailed…
Batman: Arkham Origins Deathstroke Challenge Pack Trailer Angers Fans
Warner Bros Games entry into the Batman: Arkham series seems true to form so far. It has the cape, the combat, and the vrogues-gallery, everything fans have come to expect. With Batman facing off against some of DC's hardest villains, Warner Bros Games are making playing as the assassin Deathstroke…
Thief Bank Heist Trailer Released
 Square Enix's new title Thief has received another trailer which showcases the pre-order bonus mission 'The Bank Heist'. Showing off the games stealth gameplay, the trailer sets up the pre-order mission perfectly for fans who are looking for to grabbing the game when it is released in February 2014. Thief…
Ubisoft Announces Release Date for South Park: The Stick of Truth, Grand Wizard Edition
Ubisoft have released the date that the highly anticipated RPG, South Park: The Stick of Truth, will be hitting store shelves. Hitting shelves on December 13th, South Park: The Stick of Truth will be available on Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles. The game will also be available for PC, however…
GTA Online May Include Microtransactions
GTA V has received massive success since it's launch last week and with GTA Online launching next week things can only get better for the title. With the vast amount of things possible in GTA Online, money will be a thing that many will be trying to maintain a steady…