Kickstarter Project “Civitas” Cancelled After Securing Funds Elsewhere
Civitas at first glance seems like a massive backhand to the face of EA after the recent SimCity debacle. Promising all the features the most recent SimCity lacked such as terraforming and a DRM free experience, Brandon Smith and his team want to make sure their first game makes an impact.…
Anomaly 2 Announced for Q2 2013 Release
Two weeks ago, 11 bit studios offered gamers a chance to buy its secret next game at half price. Today, that secret game was unveiled as 11 bit studios announces Anomaly 2, the sequel to the award-winning strategy game, Anomaly Warzone Earth. Coming to PC, Mac and Linux in Q2…
Wargame European Escalation Now Available on Linux
After recently invading Mac computers all around the world, Wargame European Escalation, the explosive real-time strategy game developed by Eugen Systems, today arrives on Linux through Steam digital distribution platform. Since its release on PC and then on Mac, the game has seduced hundreds of thousands of players and now…
Dreamfall Chapters Hits Kickstarter Target
The Longest Journey is an adventure series that is critically loved but never garnered that much attention. The depth of the games worlds and the quality of the characters had critics in love with April Ryan and the joint worlds of Arcadia and Stark. While the original was popular enough…
Team Fortress 2 is now on Linux
(Start playing this now) "And so TF2 fell into shadow. Or so Linux Torvalduman thought. Luckily a band of hobbits snuck past his ghostly burning eye-building and did something important, and wept and cradled each other and swore oaths of fealty, and there was some lava and, anyway, Team Fortress…
11 Bit Studios Teases a Secret New Title
There is not much to go on but what we do know is that by heading over to the 11 Bit Studios official site you can pre-purchase this untitled game for 50% off, this will get you the Steam Key on the games release and allow you into the multiplayer…