Paypal Involved in Complications with Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm! Funding
Issues a plenty for the developer of Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm! as Nyu Media was refused the remaining half of their Indiegogo funding. Seon King, founder of Nyu Media has noted:  "The email from PayPal advises us that they have 'reserved' the funding and will release 'up to 50% of the…
9 Year Old Girl’s Game Design Kickstarter is Funded 3000%
The young Mackenzie had a small goal on her Kickstarter campaign page, just $829 was needed to send her to an RPG STEM camp for children aged between 9-12 years old so she could make an RPG (in RPG maker) which, in her own words, isn't too violent and isn't filled…