Star Citizen: $1 Million Crowdfunded In One Week
Star Citizen is now the most successful crowd-funded project ever, it seems. The game raised a million dollars in 7 days, due its popularity, current playability, and promise of delivering something unlike we've seen before. This meets a stretch goal which unlocks an enhanced alpha of the game which will…
Star Citizen Funding Reaches $20 Mil Mark
Holding the title for being the most crowd-funded project ever, big things are expected of Star Citizen. Cloud Imperium Games has big things planned, with new stretch goals continuously being churned out to give people incentives to keep throwing money at them, and it is working. Reaching the mark of…
Star Citizen Reaches $18 Million in Crowd Funding
Star Citizen, the PC-exclusive persistent-world space shooter, underwent a Kickstarter campaign in 2012, during which it asked for $500,000. It originally smashed that goal and ended up with over $2 million. The crowdfunding initiative continued past the Kickstarter campaign, with backers able to continue pledging to the project via the…
Legendary Chris Roberts Visit To Razer Head Quarters
Chris Roberts, founder of Cloud Imperium Games, visited RazerĀ“s global headquarters in Carlsbad last month. Roberts is a celebrity at the deepest levels of the gaming industry, most notably for his work with the groundbreaking, popular space combat simulation series Wing Commander, the first game to integrate live-action footage into…