Street Fighter X Mega Man revealed at 25th Anniversary Grand Finals Event
Capcom the creator of many games people love recently shared their plans at their grand final street fighter event to create a new fan made cross over title featuring their big iconic franchises. Street Fighter® X Mega Man® will celebrate the closing ceremonies at the 25th Anniversary of Street Fighter…
Resident Evil 6 New Modes and Content due December 18th
The newest game modes are due for a debut release on Xbox 360 on December 18th. Featuring 3 modes it expands on the existing multiplayer elements: - Predator: Available for 2-6 players with one player taking on the role of the Ustanak (the powerful B.O.W that stalks Jake through his…
Remember Me : Billboard Competition
Capcom is offering a unique chance for gamers to have their say in their next product Remember Me which is scheduled for release on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC next May. The game is set in Neo-Paris in 2084 and is a world where personal memories have become a product so…
Resident Evil 6 To Get Update Mid December
Capcom have announced that by listening to user feedback, they will be releasing an update sometime mid December for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 players to improve their gaming experience. The update will include the following additions and improvements. Gamers will be able to adjust the camera to give a…
Early Copies of Resident Evil 6 Stolen
Early stolen copies of resident evil 6 have been sold in Poland a long time away from its official release date. Capcom told EuroGamer "Capcom is currently undertaking a thorough investigation into reports that Resident Evil 6 is being sold ahead of its official October 2 release date," the publisher…