Possible Banjo Threeie for the Wii U?
 Big news for fans of the hit game Banjo Kazooie, a RARE ex-developer has announced that he has a team of people ready to make the long awaited Banjo Threeie.  In 2002 Rare was acquired by Microsoft shortly after Banjo Tooie was released. Ever since then Banjo Tooie we have…
Grant Kirkhope Reveals Details About Working at Rare, Banjo Kazooie 3 and More on Game Grumps
WARNING: CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES Grant Kirkhope is a funny guy as well as a very talented composer! He reveals various triva behind some of his most famous titles throughout the video as well as some interesting news about Banjo Kazooie 3 (or Banjo Threeie if you prefer)…