The Town of Light Review
The Town of Light is a horror game about the tale of a teenage girl who is suffering from mental illness inside the walls of a mental asylum. In the Town of Light, the characters are fictional while the story is meant to be based on true events from the…
Batman Series Receives Titan-ic Discount
If there are developers that deserve an award for turning a franchise on it's head, then Warner Brothers and RockSteady should definitely be in the running to receive them. All the games in the Arkham series have given a unique look into the world of the Dark Knight, and the…
Asylum reaches the Kickstarter goal and announces an expansion
Kickstarter certainly seems to be the place to go if you're wanting to fund your own game, with Asylum joining the ranks of successful funding campaigns. It has successfully reached the funding goal of $100,666 over the weekend. With this in mind, Senscape intend to bring Asylum to completion and release before…