Zeno Clash II Gameplay Still Nuts in Newest Trailer
First-person puncher Zeno Clash II will allow players to explore Zenozoik with side-quests and items to collect as they look into every weird nook and cranny in co-op. It will be released later this year on PC, Xbox 360 and PC later this year.
The No-Where-Near-Daily Origin Spotlight
 Origin have a sale on right now. All 3 Mass Effect games are now on sale on Origin right now through March 12th. Mass Effect is only $7 while Mass Effect 2 is a low $10. The Mass Effect 3 Digital Deluxe edition is also there for only $15, which is insane. The…
A New Borderlands 2 Vault Hunter is on the Way
Not only another DLC but another Vault Hunter as well? You are spoiling us Gearbox! However it is a shame that this new character is NOT included in the season pass for Borderlands 2. The new character, as shown at SXSW, seems to be another brawler at the moment which…
The not-quite-daily Steam Spotlight 09/03 – Mini Edition
 Let's get straight into it shall we? Angry Birds Space is on Steam for the low price of £3.19. For less than £5 this game should keep you going over a long weekend, so why not part with some coins and play this new edition of the mobile game that took…
Arma III Alpha Available on Steam
 It's not very often games will be confident enough to release a less than full build to the public, let alone an alpha build. But the guys behind Arma III are so confident in the game that they are selling the Alpha build of Arma III on steam for £19.99. …
Minecraft Redstone Update Pre-Release
You may have heard some details about the upcoming Redstone update for Minecraft already, but in case you haven't then you had better keep on reading. This new update enables exciting additions such as the Redstone Comparator and Redstone Blocks, making your constructions just that little bit more awesome. Minecraft…
The not-quite-daily Steam Spotlight 08/03
 Yet more deals from Steam this week making us all the poorer but yet all the happier with our games collection, so let's dive straight in. Football Manager 2013 is on sale now for only £14.99, this is the second 2013 game Steam have dropped the price on this week and…
The not-quite-daily Steam Spotlight 07/03
Another not-quite-day another load of deals from Steam to you, the lovely PC gamers, let's dive in! The Darksiders II franchise has a nice little price drop to day, you can pick up the core game for only £11.89 which is a steal for one of the best games to come out…
Torment: Tides of Numenera Kickstarter Campaign reaches its $900k Goal in 6 hours [Updated]
Torment: Tides of Numenera is a story-driven CRPG crafted in the tradition of Planescape: Torment & set in the world of Monte Cook's tabletop RPG setting, Numenera. Torment continues the legacy of Planescape: Torment, a critically acclaimed role-playing game from 1999 that's considered by many to be a hallmark for…
The latest Far Cry 3 Patch Includes Some Fan Requests
Below is a list of everything included in the latest patch: SINGLE PLAYER:- Outposts reset: after the end of the game, players can choose to reset the liberated outposts to face the challenge to take them over again- A new difficulty setting: Players who have completed the campaign can restart…
Square Enix’s Tomb Raider Available Now
The reboot of the Tomb Raider series is available to purchase today from games retailers. Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a frightened young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond…
Mass Effect: Citadel DLC Finishing Shepard’s Story in Style
The journey had to end one day. While it may not be the end to the Mass Effect universe it is the end of Shepard's part in it, and it is celebrating with a party it seems. Mass Effect 3: Citadel hopes to send the crew of the SS Normandy…
The not-quite-daily Steam Spotlight 28/02
 Steam are being super generous again by giving yet more sales on great titles which you certainly shouldn't miss! Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and the season pass are on sale now for only £15.99! This close-future shooter is definitely worth a purchase and with all the DLC content included you'd…
Anomaly 2 Announced for Q2 2013 Release
Two weeks ago, 11 bit studios offered gamers a chance to buy its secret next game at half price. Today, that secret game was unveiled as 11 bit studios announces Anomaly 2, the sequel to the award-winning strategy game, Anomaly Warzone Earth. Coming to PC, Mac and Linux in Q2…
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag officially confirmed
Following the reveals of the poster and the map, it has now been confirmed by Ubisoft that the next Assassin’s Creed is indeed Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. It would have been rather odd if this wasn’t confirmed as the next game following the images that more or less unofficially…
Mass Effect Trilogy Review
The Milky way is a big place. It is big in the sense that the Arctic is a little bit cold. How do you convey that scope and scale into a video game? Bioware have a reputation for crafting large worlds, filled with unique lore and characters with tragic pasts…
Wargame European Escalation Now Available on Linux
After recently invading Mac computers all around the world, Wargame European Escalation, the explosive real-time strategy game developed by Eugen Systems, today arrives on Linux through Steam digital distribution platform. Since its release on PC and then on Mac, the game has seduced hundreds of thousands of players and now…
Remember Me release date confirmed for June
Capcom have just confirmed a release date for their upcoming action game, which is developed by Dontnod, Remember Me. The game will be released on Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on June 4th in North America. Europe will have the game from June 7th. Remember Me will take you…
Starcraft 2 Demands Vengeance
Wings of Liberty wasn't exactly lacking in drama or tension. By the end however it felt too much like what it was, the first part of a trilogy. Kerrigan turned back into human form, Tychus dead by Jim's hand and a herioc fade to black with many plot threads left…
Godsrule: War of Mortals open beta announced
SEGA Europe today announced Godsrule: War of Mortals, the free-to-play, cross-platform build and battle game is now in open beta at the Godsrule website. Godsrule: War of Mortals is a player vs. player combat strategy game set in a fantasy world where players can lead their fierce armies into combat…
The not-quite-daily Steam Spotlight
Here at VGU we love playing games, we also love saving money, and who lets you play games and save money better than Steam? This new feature will be spotlighting games that are currently on offer on Steam which we at VGU strongly suggest you play. These games won't always…