Spike Chunsoft have risen in popularity over the last several years, following the runaway success of their apocalyptic murder mystery visual novel series named Danganronpa. Zanki Zero Last Beginning is a first-person RPG that continues with the end of the world theme that moves away from investigating death, in lieu of finding a way to survive the world that has been decimated by an unknown source.
When a young man named Haruto Higurashi wakes up on a seemingly deserted island, he learns that he is one of only eight people who have survived the end of the world. Through a seemingly sentient television program named Extend TV, which stars a young teenage boy and a unbearably cute sheep, the survivors are instructed to help rebuild the destroyed world through the Humanity Enrichment Program. Along the way, they will learn how the world came to an end, as well as atone for the sins they have committed before the arrival of the apocalypse.
Zanki Zero Last Beginning’s gameplay is divided between visiting several dungeon areas formed from the ruins of civilized society, and building a functioning community on the central area of Garage Island. The areas are varied and filled with various kinds of enemies, such as the Mashiro Square Tower being populated by goats and flying pigs, and the Metro Plaza that is filled by wild monkeys and a wild minotaur. Although the general structure of each floor remains the same each time you visit, each floor of the various dungeons introduces new mechanics such as switches, traps and security doors throughout your various expeditions to the dungeons. Alongside this, you will discover discarded materials such as partitions, water bottles and twigs which can be used once you return to your base camp.