First introduced in 1996, the Touhou Project is a series of Japanese video games that focus on the bullet hell subgenre. The franchise centers around a young shrine maiden named Reimu Hakurei, who defends the realm of Gensokyo from the yokai that threaten the human population. Originally released for Japanese PC owners back in 2010, Touhou Koubutou was a 3D fighting game which allows you to compete using the many characters established in the series lore. Seven years later, Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle is an updated remake of this older release, similar to how the Street Fighter series has multiple iterations of the same entry.
Each match in Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle consists of your player character seeking to eliminate the other player’s vitality, which is essentially their health bar. In order to damage your enemy, you must use one of three beam styled attacks, which can be triggered using the square, circle or triangle buttons on your controller. Although this sounds fairly standardized, it is not possible to create combos with your attacks or to create hybrid attacks, which is slightly disappointing given that titles in the same genre such as Pokken Tournament offer more in the way of altering your battle styles. The only variant to this is if the player is close enough to their opponent, they will perform a physical melee move instead of a beam attack.