Unfortunately, even the myriad of fighting types doesn’t stop the game from feeling like more of the same over and over again. Personally, I find myself bore somewhat quickly in these beat ’em up type games. Mowing down the same group of enemies eventually gets old, making it hard to have long play sessions. Each mission plays almost identical, the only variety being the character that you are playing as. The story in its entirety lasts around 15-20 hours, and I started feeling bored around the half-way mark. Fans of this genre may find this forgivable, but it’s certainly a notable lack of variety in missions.
While fighting the weak enemies was fun at first, it can drag on for a tad too long. These enemies are super weak and generally pose little threat or variety. I often found myself spamming attacks to get through these enemies and begin fighting the other girls, which was much more entertaining. Like Dynasty Warriors, it is still enjoyable to send the weak enemies flying everywhere, but eventually grows old. I often found myself wishing for more maps as well. Fighting on the same beach or dojo can make one wish for a change of scenery after a while.
Luckily, fighting the other playable girls is always fun and exciting. Movement is fast and fluid, keeping the battles very intense. Running and jumping feels tight and makes the battles feel as quick and as exciting as an anime. As previously mentioned, each girl has a very different playstyle, so each fight pairing almost always feels fantastic.
The OST is very memorable as well. Music amps up as the boss battles begin and adds an extra layer to an already intense fight. The art style is colorful and easy on the eyes. Characters are cute and have varied personality types. These aspects create a pleasant and polished experience that adds a lot of value to the game.