There’s been plenty of DLC packs for Planet Zoo to date, bringing in a host of new animals and item. The Grasslands pack is the last pack to be released in 2022.
The latest pack as the name suggests introduces animals you would typically find within the grasslands and namely the animals featured in this pack are the Maned Wolf, Nine-banded Armadillo, Emu, Caracal, Red-necked Wallaby, Striped Hyena and the Blue Wildebeest.

As with all the animals in the base game and the other DLC packs, the fidelity of these little and big creatures is always stunning. The textures and animations make the animations really come to life along with the different behaviours and characteristics of each animal.
One of the other additions to the animal roster is an exhibit animal which are butterflies, when combined with the new walk-through exhibits you can display a wide range of colourful butterflies. Like the other animals, these are stunningly detailed and a really nice addition to the exhibit section of the game which personally sometimes is overlooked because of the nature of them being smaller in the game world compared to the other animal enclosures.

Aside from the animals there is a new scenario to tackle called Permits and Pampas, this tailor-made sequel continues on from the scenario in the Twilight pack so that you can see the animals in the Grasslands DLC in a new location. The aim of this scenario is to relocate the animals to more suitable homes in an Argentinian grassland setting.
Although a pretty simple set of challenges, it does a good job at introducing you to the new animals and the new location is a nice change of pace. It’s a shame there is no voice acting for this scenario much like the Twilight Pack. Being voiced would add a little bit more polish to the over DLC and feels like a bit of letdown considering the main scenarios in the base game are voiced.
Finally there’s also a new avatar costume you can dress up in which is the Emu. Personally does not appeal to me but allows you to change up your avatar a little if you wish to do so.
Overall, the new pack delivers on what it is intended to do, giving more animals to ongoing Zoo managers. There’s no faults in the design of the animals and getting the job lot of butterflies is a nice bonus when you are paying a price for additional animal residents.
As mentioned before, it might not be your cup of tea to pay for the DLC just to get additional animals so the choice is yours. Die had fans will likely be okay to spend the £7.99 on the new pack, but if you are on the fence just wait until the next Steam Sale and get them much cheaper.